Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Welcome, guys, to the inaugural post of the most originally-titled blog since---well, since all time, right? I mean, look at that title, "Drew Watches Movies". Such elegant simplicity hasn't been seen since "Snakes on a Plane".

In these pages herein, I shall dispense valuable nuggets of wisdom regarding the craft and quality of film, a subject of which I am an irrefutable expert and scholar. My credentials include having seen a bunch of movies. Well, that and.... well, yeah, I've really seen a LOT of movies.

The movies will come as I see them---best to review when fresh, right? I mean, I haven't seen, I dunno, "A Civil Action" or "In the Line of Fire" or "Marci X" or "Return of the Jedi" in years and years, so I shouldn't consider myself qualified to speak on them, right? However, I saw "From Dusk Till Dawn" just last week. And I'm dying to tell you about it.

That's all for now. Posts and ratings are final, and are pretty much the official word on the subject, and should be treated as such. Posting will commence shortly. In the meantime, occupy yourself by familiarizing yourself with the rest of this site, which at those point contains absolutely nothing.

Good luck.

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